Building Warrant of Fitness Services
Ensure your property complies with all NZ regulations by way of our comprehensive building warrant of fitness services. Our commitment to compliance goes hand in hand with our commitment to giving back, ensuring that every service we provide benefits those in need.

Understanding the Importance of BWoF Certification
Our company specialises in providing comprehensive building warrant of fitness services to property owners and managers. We understand the importance of compliance with building regulations and ensure that your building meets all the requirements for a BWoF certification. Our experienced professionals conduct thorough inspections and tests to assess your building’s systems and equipment, including fire protection, emergency lighting, and ventilation systems. We also provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure your property remains compliant and safe. Trust us to help you achieve and maintain a valid building warrant of fitness certification.
Who Needs a Building Warrant of Fitness?
All buildings, other than single residential buildings, require a compliance schedule and annual warrant of fitness if they contain any of the specified systems below:
- automatic systems for fire suppression (for example, sprinkler systems)
- automatic or manual emergency warning systems for fire or other dangers
- electromagnetic or automatic doors or windows (for example, ones that close on fire alarm activation)
- emergency lighting systems
- escape route pressurisation systems
- riser mains for use by fire services
- automatic backflow preventers connected to a potable water supply
- lifts, escalators, travelators or other systems for moving people or goods within buildings
- mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning systems
- building maintenance units providing access to exterior and interior walls of buildings
- laboratory fume cupboards
- audio loops or other assistive listening systems
- smoke control systems
- emergency power systems for, or signs relating to, a system or feature specified for any of the above systems or features
- Any or all of the these features, so long as:
- they form part of a building’s means of escape from fire
- those means also contain any or all of the systems or features specified in clauses 1-6, 9 and 13
Proactive Fire Protection can provide a one stop shop package to manage your inspections and building warrant of fitness needs, providing an efficient, streamlined process. Getting a BWoF has never been easier! Get in touch with the team online or over the phone to find out more.